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Many people will need to replace at least one tooth at some point in their life. Teeth can be lost as the result of an injury or may need to be extracted due to extreme decay. Regardless of why a tooth has been lost, it is important to replace it as soon as possible. If not, the surrounding teeth can migrate into its place, causing alignment and bite issues. One of the most popular ways of replacing single or multiple teeth is with dental implants.

Dental implants effectively replace the entire structure of a lost tooth, not just the upper, visible portion. The actual implant is a small, biocompatible titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw. Over a few weeks, the bone will heal around the post, holding it firmly in place. Once it is completely integrated, it will be able to support a variety of restorations, from single crowns to full sets of dentures.

Restorations used in conjunction with dental implants blend in seamlessly with your existing natural teeth. And since they are anchors with implants, they are completely independent. Cared for properly, they can provide a lifetime of sturdy, comfortable use.

In order to be a good candidate for dental implants, your overall health is more of a factor than your age. As long as there is good existing bone structure, an implant can likely be placed securely.

Please call [practice_name] in [city], [st], to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. [doctor_name] and learn whether dental implants are the best way to restore your smile.